Help DNAGedcom Client - Gather Ancestry


DNAGedcom Client is a Windows/Mac application that runs on your computer. Once you have installed the application, logged in, and chosen your database location and name, click on GATHER at the top of the screen. On the GATHER screen choose the DNA Match data source of Ancestry to retrieve information from an Ancestry DNA test.

Ancestry Login

Enter the email address and password for the desired Ancestry account and click Login. The message “You are logged into Ancestry” is displayed. Click the Remember Me box to remember your login in the future. If you log in under different email addresses, the pull down menu will list the different email addresses available.

Chose a Profile

Chose an Ancestry DNA profile from the pull down menu to the right of Profile. Once a profile is selected, the number of DNA matches in each category will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Shown are the number of matches overall, new matches, close matches and distant matches as identified by Ancestry. If you have added them at Ancestry, starred matches, ignored matches and any Ancestry custom group names you have assigned will be shown. The Genome Mate Pro (GMP) ID field displays an assigned kit# for the data gathered.

Select Gather Options

If no options for Gathering the DNA matches of the selected Profile are entered or checked, the DNAGedcom Client will default to gathering data on all matches.

cM Range

At, each of your DNA matches can share as little as 6 cMs and as many as 3,500 cMs with you. Enter the desired minimum number of cMs a DNA match must share and the maximum a DNA match can share to select the range of DNA matches to be gathered. Matches are saved to a separate .CSV file named “m_tester_name.csv” where “tester_name” is the name you chose for the DNA test in your Ancestry DNA test settings.

Gather ICW

Check this box to gather the In Common With (ICW) information for the selected Profile to your DNAGedcom database. A separate .CSV file named “icw_tester_name.csv” is saved to your computer. Click the “Clear ICW” button to update your database by re-gathering the ICW information.

Gather Trees

Check this box to gather the Tree information for the selected Profile to your DNAGedcom database. A separate .CSV file named “a_tester_name.csv” is saved to your computer. Click the “Clear Trees” button to update your database by re-gathering the Tree information.

Gather Ethnicity (Ancestry only)

Check this box to gather the Ethnicity information for the selected Profile to your DNAGedcom database. The ethnicity information for each match will be saved to your matches .CSV file named “m_tester_name.csv”. Click the “Clear Ethnicity” button to update your database by re-gathering the Ethnicity information.

Gather DNA Data

Once the desired options are selected, click on the Gather DNA Data bar to gather the DNA matches from the selected Profile. The DNAGedcom Client will gather the DNA matches for the selected Profile using the selected options. The screen will display a message showing the level of cMs being gathered, the percentage and number gathered so far of the all matches, and the estimated time to remaining to complete in day:hour:minutes:seconds format.

Run Report

Click on the Run Report bar to create new CSV files from the existing information in your database that will overwrite any existing .CSV file with the same name.