Tagging is used to organize data about both Matches and People - both visually and for organization and searching.
Tags are purely yours - No information added as a tag will be visible to other people.
You may create tags from the following locations:
To create a tag, simply click the button to the right of the person.
You will be presented with a screen, where you can either add a new tag or pick an existing.
To remove a tag, click the next to the match, and you will be prompted to choose which tag to remove, similar to add.
Tags can both be created and used within the CLM to enhance the clustering functionality.
To enable creation and use of tags, the DNAGedcom Client must be running and the Genetic.Family Bridge must be enabled.
To create tags, open a CLM file that has been created using the DNAGedcom Client 3.0 or higher
and click on a cluster, then choose View Cluster
Click here to view more information about the CLM and the Cluster UI.
You can add tags in two ways:
You will be presented with a screen, where you can either add a new tag or pick an existing.
For more information on how you can use tags to limit your results and target subsets of data, see the Advanced Optons within the CLM.
There are more options coming soon, such as searching by tags within the Genetic.Family website, as well as the individual testing sites via the Genetic.Family Chrome Extension.